The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71981   Message #1237026
Posted By: beardedbruce
30-Jul-04 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Lets play blame the conservative
Subject: RE: BS: Lets play blame the conservative
Little Hawk :

I think your post of 27 Jul 04 - 08:41 PM was an accurate assesment.

My complaint is that the Republican, when called a liar repeatedly by a senator, used foul language to express his disgust with said senator, everyone screams- when a Democratic candidate's wife lies to a reporter asking for clarification, it is a tempest in a teapot. I understood, but did not approve of Cheney's words- I do not understand the need to deny womething that was said.

Heinz Kerry's remark came after she told the delegates that "we need to turn back some of the creeping un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics."

As she was leaving, McNickle asked her what she had meant by her use of the word "un-American."

She argued with him, insisting she hadn't said "un-American."

He said he thought she had used the term "un-American activity."

"I did not say activity or un-American," she responded.

She then turned to someone nearby and said, "You know what the question is? Say that I called this an 'un-American activity.' I did not."

After stepping away and speaking briefly with Democratic organizers of the event, she returned and asked the reporter if he worked for the Tribune-Review. He said he did.

"Understandable. You said something I didn't say, now shove it," she told him. "

SHE was the one who denied saying "un-American" The reporter was dismissed out of hand for not representing the "proper" viewpoint. He ASKED if she had said "un-American activity", SHE denied saying "un-American", which she had, then tried to make it an accusation against the reporter.


"As she was leaving, McNickle asked her what she had meant by her use of the word "un-American."

She argued with him, insisting she hadn't said "un-American." "

Yes, the reporter was trying to find out what she meant- Do those on the left want the reporters covering the Bush administration to be treated the same way? I don't think so.