The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72008   Message #1237211
Posted By: JennyO
30-Jul-04 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: My 2500th Post!
Subject: RE: BS: My 2500th Post!
You're not wrong Sandra. I've posted 1458 since 17 Dec 2002 as JennyO and another 65 as GUEST, JennyO, plus a few others that I don't remember.

Now freda underhill on the other hand joined mudcat a year after me, and in a bit over 7 months, since 12 Dec 2003 has already amassed 1317 under her own name (I won't ask her how many times she has posted as a GUEST ;-)). At this rate, she'll outpost me in the next couple of weeks!