The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72002   Message #1237724
Posted By: Jeanie
31-Jul-04 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: shopping used to be fun
Subject: RE: shopping used to be fun
I'm very interested in your comment about children in schools, Semi-Sub, because it is something I have noticed to be growing problem. A senior school I taught at actually started a campaign against what it called "low level classroom disruption" (i.e. kids chatting non-stop in class !) The pupils saw nothing wrong in carrying on their conversations while the teachers were explaining things, and were shocked that the school was making an issue out of it.

Growing up in a world of constant and simultaneous radio/TV/music/several conversations/text messages/ringtones/MSN instant messages etc. etc. certainly means that these children and teens are able to "multi-task" - but, I feel, at the cost of concentrating and enjoying anything in depth. I teach drama to juniors (under 11s) and of necessity have to spend a lot of time training them to be good listeners, to concentrate and observe closely, to take turns in a conversation and to "be a good audience". Whatever one may think of the National Curriculum, "Speaking and Listening Skills" feature on it - and quite rightly so !

I can understand how people with ultra-sensitity to music find the constant muzak bombardment unbearable. My own particular bugbear is the spoken word. I am not talking about regional accents here (nothing wrong with them !) but radio-DJ-ese, the drawn and distorted vowels and nasality which are being perfected to a fine art all along the FM waveband. I used to listen to BBC Essex in the mornings, for news and local travel information, but have had to stop because of the travel presenter's pronunciation of the "o" vowel as "ay":
"SAY far, the M25 is looking good"
and the "oo" sound as "ee":
e.g. "Don't forget to call us on ay one tee four five three six tee" (01245 362)
I can't stand it ! It was sending me insane ! (Likewise their news presenter - being paid for a clear speaking voice, remember - who reports on "Watching wawing Iwaki webels".)

- jeanie (a.k.a. Professor Higgins !)