The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72002   Message #1237731
Posted By: Georgiansilver
31-Jul-04 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: shopping used to be fun
Subject: RE: shopping used to be fun
So I walked around town, going only into the shops I needed to. Bought what I needed and decided to go for coffee. During that time...approx one hour..I was subjected to all kinds of music..with the exception of anything I actually like to hear. Perhaps I am too fussy.......However. The coffee was at a new cafe in town or should I say slightly out of the centre of town, by the riverside. When I walked in...Cat Stevens was on the CD player...other 60's and 70's music ensued. I wondered why a beautiful young manageress(in her 20's) would have such music on so I asked. "My Mum and Dad are still into this and I just enjoy their taste in music" ...How refreshing...Being of advancing years and single again...I shall venture into that cafe regularly to enjoy great coffee, great music and to look at a beautiful young lass who will keep some good music alive for another generation. No-one in that cafe so far has complained about the music there.
Best wishes.