The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71885   Message #1237757
Posted By: Strollin' Johnny
31-Jul-04 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday July 30th
Subject: RE: Market Rasen Folk Club Friday July 30th
Well I know who you are Lizabeth, and your lovely voice is well worth recording for posterity. You can duet with me anytime! LOL!
And don't doubt your own ability on the guitar - your solo work has impressed everyone who's heard you. Good to see and hear you again last night (and Ernie too).

It was a real treat to have the double spot last night, in a fantastic (if slightly overheated - is their electricity connected to next-door's supply? LOL) venue, and to have the opportunity to MC such a talented line-up. Rosie and Lucie Coggle were a delight (loved the pink ties!), and Simon Johnson - well what can I say? Roger Beard was excellent finishing the evening off, apologies for the short set Roger, hope we'll have the full monty soon (no, no you daft buggers, not THAT full monty!).

Thanks to everyone who came, and to Villan for taking the plunge with the new venue.

Johnny :0)