The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14418   Message #123785
Posted By: Larry B.
14-Oct-99 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: Patronising jokes about Americans
Subject: RE: Patronising jokes about Americans
Let's see: we rebelled against the British government, then fought another war against them 30 years later; then we fought a war against ourselves, and two wars later we were on the same side.

As 'Spaw noted, we are too diverse a group to have national characteristics to ridicule, and cracks about our political leaders don't work because we have already taken most of the good ones (jokes, that is).

Whenever anyone does get in a good dig on us, most of us are laughing with them in a minute or two, and in a year or two we have changed to the point that the joke doesn't make sense.