The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71709   Message #1238161
Posted By: CarolC
01-Aug-04 - 03:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
Subject: RE: BS: Mideast: View From the Eye of the Storm
The only action that is required to solve the problem is for Israel to end the occupation and leave the Palestinians alone so they can get to work building their own country. Everything else, all arguments about who else is responsible for what, is just an avoidance of the real issue, which is that Israel is conducting a brutal occupation against an entire people and killing many, many more Palestinian children than the other way around.

And you know full well that I have condemned the killing of Israeli children and Israeli civilians several times here in these threads. So don't give me that bullshit about not addressing the issue of the suicide bombers killing civilians.

It's you and the others who start these threads, and you, in particular who keep refreshing this one when it goes dormant, who are obsessed. And that's because deep in your heart, you know you are wrong, and instead of just dealing with it, you have to beat me up in threads like this one so you won't have to face the reality of what you are advocating. I'm not the one who starts these threads. I would like to see all of them just go away. But that won't happen as long as there are people who need to promote hatred of Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims because if they do the alternative- recognize these people as human beings, they won't any longer be able to rationalize away the horrific things that are being done to them.