The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71316   Message #1238256
Posted By: InOBU
01-Aug-04 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: happy fourth of july to the world (2004)
Subject: RE: BS: happy fourth of july to the world
HAPPY BOMBAY DAY! Yes, today is the day when in 1498, Christopher Columbus (or Jagjit the wanderer, as he is called with some ironic laughter in New Deli) landed on the North American contenant, or Turtle Island, as the origional Americans call it, or India, as Christopher "Jagjit the wanderer" Columbus called it.
Upon landing, Christopher met a native fellow, and asked him, 1. could be be shown the Taj Mahal, 2. did he have any star maps of Holiwood, 3. and three, where could he get a good lamb curry to go... The fellow told him that the Taj Mahal had not yet been built, Holywood was not nearly all he had been told it was, and that he should try the Jackson Diner in Queens, but they didn't do take-out.
So, Christopher set out for Queens, but not being a great navigator, it took until November to get there, so they had a great curried turkey and that's why Thanksgiving.
So, happy Bombay Day to the US and the WORLD!
PS See you at the Jackson Diner for Thanksgiving. Na mas dey, Chris.