The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71813   Message #1238341
Posted By: Georgiansilver
01-Aug-04 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Georgiansilver/Martin Gibson
Subject: RE: Georgiansilver/Martin Gibson
harpgirl. I hope you do not think that Georgiansilver and Martin Gibson are one and the same....He lives in the US..Chicago I believe and that can be seen on his threads..I live in Gainsborough, UK where I am a singer in Folk Club...and others in the area..not a good singer I have to add but O.K. I will be at Barton Club on Tuesday night(see music threads) where I hope to meet ElTed, Sir jOhn from Hull and a few others from Hull...and Oaklet already knows me. In Gainsborough I am known by a few catters...Travelling Audience, Strollin' johnny and Sooz.
Won't take much for you to check things out I'm sure. If you don't think it is me then who do you think it is?...his alter-ego I mean.
Best wishes, Mike.