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Thread #72091   Message #1238440
Posted By: GUEST
01-Aug-04 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
And as to the claim that the US army USED to treat the grunts better before George W. Bush came along...don't make me laugh.

Treated them well like when they used them for guinea pigs during nuclear bomb testing in Nevada? Or sprayed them and every other living thing with Agent Orange and then denied them and their children who were profoundly sick as a result of it, health care for their problems for decades?

How about depleted uranium? Ever heard of that shit, or maybe a little thing called "Gulf War Syndrome"? Do you have any idea how many people have been effected by it since Gulf War I? And many more of our troops are being exposed to it now in Gulf War II.

But don't take my word for it, ask some Gulf War vets here:

Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages

Or here:

Gulf War Syndrome II

What does John Kerry have to say about the use of depleted uranium shells RIGHT NOW by our troops, hmmm?

God you Anybody But Bush fanatics will stoop to any disingenuous depths of third world sewer to make your boy look like a saint, won't you?

And BTW, I am voting for Anybody But Bush. I'm voting for David Cobb of the Green Party. He is Anybody, and he isn't Bush.