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Thread #72091   Message #1238464
Posted By: PoppaGator
01-Aug-04 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
I can't argue with you, GUEST, because I don't really disagree with you all that much. Except when you resort to something like this:

"God you Anybody But Bush fanatics will stoop to any disingenuous depths of third world sewer to make your boy look like a saint, won't you?"

I never claimed sainthood for Mr. Kerry (although I really admired him 30+ years ago, when he addressed Congress as a Vietnam Vet Against the War) -- I just propose that, this time around at least, there is a lesser of two evils and the difference is critically important. You obviously don't agree, and it doesn't look like either of us is about to persuade the other.

As for "disingenuous depths of third world sewer" -- are you referring to any specific thing I said/wrote? Or just being nasty?

Really, which of us comes off as a fanatic and which a realist? Anybody out there have an opinion? Has anyone else even looked at this thread? (I had hoped the subject/title would have attracted more than a single response.) Anyone have anything *interesting* to add on this topic?