The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72091   Message #1238466
Posted By: GUEST
01-Aug-04 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
What would I do about the Abu Ghraib torture scandal?

I'm glad you asked PoppaGator!

First, I would have the US join the International Criminal Court.

Then I would send Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz there to defend the soldiers accused of the torture allegations before that tribunal.

Then, I would work with the Iraqi government to immediately set up a war crimes tribunal to prosecute both the Saddam era war criminals, and the post-Saddam era war criminals, including the Coalition of the Willing forces, and their leaders back home.

I would immediately demand special prosecutors set up a special investigation into the cover-up of the abuse at the Pentagon, the White House, and in the US Congress.

And as to it being "impossible" to bring the troops home immediately, what you are really saying is that according to the White House, Congressional, Pentagon, and mainstream media propaganda line, it is impossible to bring the troops home immediately.

However, a number of former high ranking military leaders have already said that it can and should be done immediately, now that power has been transferred to the Iraqis, and NATO has agreed to go into Iraq to train Iraqi military and police (I believe the first NATO forces are to be on the ground with the next two weeks).

Yes, it would take months to get our troops home. But they could all be home for Christmas this year. Anyone who says differently is just a lying used car salesman of the Richard Nixon ilk.