The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72091   Message #1238486
Posted By: PoppaGator
01-Aug-04 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
I agree that "home by Christmas" is probably realistic if movement could start today. Of course, Bush may not swallow his pride and do so immediately. If he doesn't, and even if the Dems are voted in, they won't take power until January and even the speediest withdrawal, if begun in early '05, would take a few more months. Of course, you can *start* withdrawal immediately (the only way to start *anything* at any time is to do so immediately), but I think we agree that it cannot *happen* immediately, but only over a period of several months. Whether it takes two to three months or six to eight, we'll have to see -- I hope we get to see!

I *like* your vision of having Rummy and that sanctimonious prig Ashcroft tried as war criminals, but I don't think that any American politician could possibly come down quite that hard on a rival, no matter how badly the guy might deserve it. Leaders of any national government are stuck with their predecessors, and have no choice but to acknowledge some degree of continuity (except of course where there has been a revolution).

Having special prosecutors come down hard on the liars who got us into this mess also looks like a welcome change from the days of Ken Starr. However, even if weilded in a cause with which I would agree, I've come to distrust the special-prosecutor approach, which seems to involve *huge* expenditures of government (i.e., taxpayer) money on revenge and political vendetta.

I'm outta here -- I'm past due for a break from this nonsense. It stopped raining, the sun is out, and I've spent too much time sitting in fron of this damn PC! If I respond, it'll be tomorrow or later.