The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68767   Message #1238674
Posted By: Jim Dixon
01-Aug-04 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Irish songs about balls, wakes, soirees
From The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music:

Words, Eugene F. Fox. Music, Otto M. Heinzman. 1892.

1. Last night, sure I attended to a high-toned masquerade.
'Twas given by a gentleman of wide renown and fame.
So, thinking I would show up strong, I dressed up in my best,
And being in a hurry, I forgot to don my vest.
I ordered up a carriage to take me to the ball.
I thought I'd be the finest man that attended to the ball.
So when the driver stopped his coach and said we had arrived,
I found I had no vest on, and I thought I'd nearly die.

CHORUS: For the ball was the finest ever given in the land.
I expected when I entered every one would clasp my hand.
But instead I was a laughing stock for all in the hall.
Oh! What a night at Kelley's masquerade ball!

2. I sat up on the balcony as if I were in a trance,
And up came pretty Miss McKeon and asked me down to dance.
Of course, I had no vest on, and her I did refuse.
She then sat down beside me until I asked to be excused.
Just then, the music started and the marching it began.
The sight that met my eyes just then was something very grand,
To see little Tommy Mulligan linked arms with Kitty Dunn,
While the band up in the balcony murdered "Johnny Get Your Gun."

3. The music made me feel good, and I got out on the floor,
For the height of my ambition was to dance with Bridgett Moore.
We danced a Berlin polka and a few more dances too,
And with our fancy step and moves, we easily got through.
Then the supper march was started ,and of course, I fell in line.
With dear Bridgett by my side then, we both went down to dine.
And when the supper it was o'er, I sat back for the rest,
And the crown around the tables shouted, "Casey, where's your vest?"