The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72002   Message #1238764
Posted By: DMcG
02-Aug-04 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: shopping used to be fun
Subject: RE: shopping used to be fun
Why do old people always complain? Is it just a fact of life? Will I complain when the day comes that I have less of a hold on society? And are we really doing such a bad job?

Sounds like complaining to me, dunkel! :->

Just a few points you might like to consider. No need to answer them, just mull them over. Or answer them if you prefer, its your choice!

*) What sort of hold on society do you actually have? To what extent does society have a hold on you (and me)? Which is greater?

*) Musak is not something you choose, it something forced upon you. How do you feel about other things forced upon you? Don't you think you have the right to say? You can choose what music you play on your CD or radio, or you can turn it off if you wish. You don't have this right for musak. Try a thought experiment. Would you defend it as part of our culture if it was constant right-wing/left-wing party political broadcasts?

*) Is being all-pervasive the same thing as being part of our culture? Even if it is part of our culture and all-pervasive, does that make it A Good Thing? Compare and contrast with slavery, racism, ... If you are American, consider that being run from the UK was once part of your culture.

*) Maybe there are parts of musak you don't like. It could be, for example, you find the Christmas carols from October onwards disruptive of the musak you prefer. Or you may find that there are shops and resturants that play stuff that you find 'too old'. How strongly do you defend their right to do that?