The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72010   Message #1238787
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
02-Aug-04 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Remaking Classics
Subject: RE: BS: Remaking Classics
No, a Jungian petticoat.

It must have been the thought of Hugh in that leather strap costume....

Talking of which - I wish someone would remake 'Zardoz'.   I think the original is fine, it has Sean Connery in it (in another leather strap costume... slobber slobber, droool), but it could be done again using better technology and strengthening the ending.

For bad remakes - Planet of the Apes. I cannot cope with Helena Bonham Carter's characterless portayal, she's just soooo slapable. And the other female apes who look like Michael Jackson on a bad hair day... no decent solid females at all. Made more annoying by a scientist at the beginning of the film stating that it was the female ape who was most aggressive. Mind you, after all the hype and kerfuffle when it was first released, it did my soul good to see the 2 disc DVD edition in the bargain bin at £6.99!