The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72091   Message #1238950
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
02-Aug-04 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry on Body Armor
Only 4 senators voted against the 87 billion dollar bill which included body armor.   Kerry and Edwards were two of them.   Joe Biden said on national tv that Kerry was "dead wrong" in voting against it.   

During the 90's Kerry voted against a litany of military spending.   To now say that he would never send in troups without the proper equipment is BS.    Hearing some of you defend his vote is equally pathetic. No conservative spin doctor could make up a more stupid line than "I voted for the 87 billion before I voted against it"   Gee- that cleared it up.

A comment was also made that Kerry would only have gone into Iraq if "absolutely necessary"   I guessed you missed his comments during the Clinton administation where Kerry said there were WMD's and we needed to invade Iraq.    Some artists have their "blue phase". I guess Kerry had his "war phase"