The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72119 Message #1239386
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Aug-04 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court
Subject: RE: Bill Monroe mandolin battle in court
So they turn it over and place something like a lis pendens1 lien against it in federal court for $162,000, to be paid upon sale of the mandolin. How difficult can that be? And it sure would be a helluva lot cheaper than fighting about it and paying all of those over-fed lawyers.
It has been my experience that simply threatening such a lien is enough to get the erring party to cough up the property or the cash.
1 "A legal notice recorded to show pending litigation relating to real property and giving notice that anyone acquiring an interest in said property subsequent to the date of the notice may be bound by the outcome of the litigation."