The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72128   Message #1239491
Posted By: Georgiansilver
03-Aug-04 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: a new form of crop circles
Subject: RE: BS: a new form of crop circles
Shadrack the ram,ordered a circle formation before he ushered his flock back into the alien craft, they had done their job on earth. The Human race were now convinced that sheep were lacking in the brain department and were totally subserviant to them. Flying back to the planet Shorn would be such a pleasure as, at home, there were no human men who wear Wellingtons, just sheep and more sheep. The grass on planet Shorn grew in cycles and would never run out as the flock cared for it vigilantly and never misused their resources.
"It would be impossible to re-populate planet Earth" said Shadrack to his King Ram. "Resources there are running out so we have come home".
The King Ram, Schmuck, felt such pleasure at the return of his prodigal son that he ordered his ewe to bring out the fatted hay in celebration. He now had to plan the total evacuation of Earth before the Human race destroyed itself.