The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72137   Message #1239555
Posted By: GUEST
03-Aug-04 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: louis killen in Sheffield
Subject: louis killen in Sheffield
This is not an advert to prop up a failing folk club, or for financial gain (i.e. to put bums on seats) we don't need that. But for all those mature folkies who remember the halcyon days of the 60's folk scene, there's a chance to see Louis Killen at Kiveton Park Folk Club on Tuesday 17th August. Louis is one of the great revivalist singers and ranks alongside McColl and Lloyd for his contribution to traditional folk music. He is an unadulterated, hardcore traditional singer, originally from Tyneside. He has a wealth of musical knowledge and experience to pass on. So, nuff said. If you want to follow it up, visit or get us via the South Yorkshire website. An opportunity that traditionalists should'nt miss!