The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72069   Message #1239706
Posted By: DougR
03-Aug-04 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: The speech that defined Kerry
Subject: RE: BS: The speech that defined Kerry
Capri-Uni: the first phrase in the speech that caught your fancy was, I believe, an attempt to explain why he has a tendancy to hop on both sides of an issue as effortlessly as a Gazelle. Some, me included, would call it indecisive.

I think your suggestion as to why he included the second phrase you point out is what you suspect. It's a jab at those who are opposed to abortion which puts them in the camp with those who oppose the research Ron Reagan chided Bush about in his speech.

I wouldn't take very seriously anything Kerry said in the speech myself (except that he DID serve in Viet Nam for four months ...I think the got that point across). Whatever position he takes one moment can change to the exact opposite position within thirty seconds or so.
