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Thread #72135   Message #1239781
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
03-Aug-04 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: This week's phony terrorist alert
Subject: RE: This week's phony terrorist alert
Much agreed with the above---my letter to the Times--hoping for publication in the next day or so. No guarantees, but there were a slew of letters today on the subject.

To the Editor:

    With all the lengthy news coverage and press conferences one has to wonder why. If the authorities know the problem should they not confront it in such a way to minimize public panic and avoid economic and social disruptions? I am hard pressed to find how, after Mayor Bloomberg's press conference, one can respond. His thesis---scare the hell out of everyone and then tell them to just go about their "business".    Echoes of Tom Ridge and Geo. W Bush.

      Up to this point we were given color coded warnings and no specific information. Now we get specifics just before the Republican Convention.    Pres. Bush opposed the original 9/11 commission and now quickly embraces their findings in the most public manner.

    Candidate Kerry will not say that these warnings also serve a political purpose for the President. He won't say it for good reason. It would be a no win situation---terror alert is the President's strong suite. All the polls seem to show that.    The sad part is that it is an issue that is only brought to the fore when Pres. Bush needs it. Otherwise we hear only generalities and belligerence from the incumbent or through his other voice---VP Cheney.

   Bill Hahn