The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72125   Message #1240814
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
05-Aug-04 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: The good Bush has done for America.
Subject: RE: BS: The good Bush has done for America.
Requires districts to let students transfer out of dangerous schools.

Requires schools to have a zero-tolerance policy for classroom disruption (reintroducing discipline into classrooms).

Signed the Teacher Protection Act, which protects teachers from lawsuits related to student discipline.

Budget, Taxes & Economy:

Signed two income tax cuts, one of which was the largest dollar-value tax cut in world history.

Supports permanent elimination of the death tax.

(In process of permanently eliminating IRS marriage penalty.)

In process. Not done.

(Increased small business incentives to expand and to hire new people.)

Forced small business out of business by giving tax breaks to wealthy business. What incentives?

(Initiated discussion on privatizing Social Security and individual investment accounts.)

This is so Social Security would be at the whims of the Stock Market and not have to be subsidized by the tax payer. IRAs would be available only to those who could afford them.

(Passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals to account as a result of corporate scandals.)

And Ken Lay is not in jail. These laws have no teeth in this adminstration.

(Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains.)

Only applicable to rich Americans. Poor folks get screwed.