The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72144   Message #1241537
Posted By: GUEST
06-Aug-04 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: What You Believe to be a Republican
Subject: RE: BS: What You Believe to be a Republican
To be a Republican you believe that poor people are getting what they deserve for having the stupidity to be born into poverty.

To be a Republican you believe that everyone in the Country should be held accountable. Except the White House.

To be Republican you believe that it's OK for people to die because they lack the money for proper nutrition and health, and it's their own fault for not having the money to buy health insurance.

To be a Republican you believe that profits are more important than the lives of your soldiers, and that your acquisition of wealth by any means is just.

To be a Republican you believe that God speaks directly to your leader. And you believe that your leader is speaking English when he's not talking in tongues.

To be a Republican you believe that the difference between a lie and the truth is decided by expedience and whether or not you will be caught.

To be a Republican you believe that the Constitution is a hindrance to your exercise of power.

To be a Republican you believe that voting for the Republican Party's candidates will help you get richer, even if your fellow Americans are getting poorer.

To be a Republican you think it is poor form to show compassion for those less fortunate, and you are proud of this aspect of your character because might is right, and always will be.

To be a Republican . . . .