The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71860   Message #1241588
Posted By: GUEST,steve in sidmouth
07-Aug-04 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: Things planned for Sidmouth 50
Subject: RE: Things planned for Sidmouth 50
The most important piece of news is that a press release was issued yesterday stating that there would be no festival next year (2005) but that EDDC might try and get one for 2006. Obviously there is lots more to say and when the dust has settled news will be posted on the folk pages of my website (

Many people wish to organise some sort of festival in 2005 but with legal liability and maybe cash up front for marquees etc etc they may have a difficult task ahead. Some feel that Sidmouth is special (and worth a hike to attend) just because it is so big and international. Any smaller event would be more like Chippenham and maybe not worth the travel. By 2006 other events may have grown to rival Sidmouth?

Many issues remain to be resolved - updates will appear as above. The weather was fantastic, it could not have been a better week for the 50th celebration.