The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72207   Message #1241768
Posted By: mg
07-Aug-04 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: Sunnycamp Washington State USA Oct 9 2004
Subject: RE: Sunnycamp Washington State USA Oct 2
He's joshing you...for $50 you get a potluck meal on Friday evening (country store nearby if you need to pick up anything)and all meals through brunch Sunday and we all do the cooking...fairly standard camp-type food. Leftover sack lunches or sandwiches. Vegetarian and carnivore options...lots of beans and rice and lentils if you want to cook up your own stuff. It's a small group so cooking so far has not been a problem and we have had some memorable salmon dinners (if the fish are running we will have a salmon dinner with lots of cranberry offerings too). mg