The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72125   Message #1241825
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
07-Aug-04 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: The good Bush has done for America.
Subject: RE: BS: The good Bush has done for America.
To continue with the line by line assessment of the things
Bush has done to the country would be redundant.

However, a longer list might be created to show what
Bush has done to harm the country.

1. Oppose organized labor
2. Underfund everything he advocated
3. Tax breaks for the wealthy
4. Disinformation on Kerry
5. Iraq mess
6. Hurt Pro-choice
7. Underfund the military and veterans costs
8. Destroyed his service records
9. Appointed Ashcroft to violate civil rights laws.
10. Threatens Iran with pre-emption next
11. Pandered to the so-called Religious Right
12. Attempts to tear down Separation of Church and State
13. Possibly rigged the election of 2000 with Jeb and Rehnquist.
14. Abu Grabh tortures
15. Controlling the public perception of terrorism through