The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37353   Message #1242011
Posted By: Tannywheeler
07-Aug-04 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Red Rocking Chair / Sugar Babe
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Red Rocking Chair / Sugar Babe
Someone signed "RG" @drink posted words to the version of "Red Apple Juice" sung by my mother, Hally Wood. Not all the words are accurate. The tune that is linked to the posting is ABSOLUTELY right. Note at end said "recorded by GPs From Hally Wood @drink RG".
How can I reach this person/these people to help them with the corrected lines? Does anyone know who this/these are? HELP!?!?

The "Sugar Babe" associated with mother is, of course, "The Crawdad Song". Looks like there may be some like 'traveling' verses.

You get a line, I'll get a pole, honey (singalongers repeat: honey)
(ditto line/pole)               baby (s.r.: baby)
(ditto line/pole), meet you down at the crawdad hole;
Honey -- Sugar Baby, mine. (singalongers included on this line)

Wake up, Ol' Man, you slept too late, Honey (s.r.: honey)
(ditto Wake...late), Baby (s.r.: baby)
(ditto Wake...Late), the last crawdad is on my plate;
Honey -- Sugar Baby mine.

Whatcha gonna do when the liquor gives out, honey? (honey)
(ditto...out)                              baby? (baby)
Tell me, whatcha gonna do when the liquor gives out?
Stand in the corner with my mouth in a pout,
Honey -- Sugar Baby, mine.

Whatcha gonna do when your shoes get thin, honey (etc.)
W. g. d. w. y. s. g. t., baby?...
Say, whatcha......thin? You kin do the work an' I'll sit in,
Honey -- Sugar Baby, mine.

Put yo' hand on yo' hip and let yo' mind roll by, honey(honey)
" "    " "   "   "   "   "   " "    "   "   baby(baby)
Put yo' hand on yo' hip and let yo' mind roll by, cuz you
    gonna shrivel when you die,
Honey -- Sugar Baby, mine.

She sometimes used "tell me" or "say" as quick pickups to the 3rd line in the question verses. Sometimes, only on the 2nd line, she alternated "babe" instead of "baby". She enjoyed the last line of (what I remember as) the last verse, and took her time and enunciated each word.