The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71256   Message #1242338
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
08-Aug-04 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is Big BRother Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Big BRother Rubbish?
I think its a big load of shit, most telly is nowadays.

heres some of the crap thats on next week=
Changing Rooms, bunch of crap, puff bloke with long sleeves!
Rudest Home Videos-loads of people getting there willies and brests out, crap!
Location, Location, Location, Location-how to buy a house!
The F****ng Fulfords-Posh family that swear a lot!
Average Joe-not sure waht this is about, but its probably shite [its on channel 4!
Rail Cops-A man steals a bike, and a policeman spots some graffiti on a door, bullshit cheap telly!
Stress Test-Is been a car salesman stressful, experts give their thoughts, crap!
Superhomes-crappy house programme!
Dirtbusters-A dustman spots a bin in a canal, and clean up chips thrown on the floor! [must have cost them all of 50 quid to make that one!
Hells Kitchen-A famous chef swears at people.
How Clean is your house?-lazy git that cant clean up!
Honey I ruined the house-DIY disasters!
My Breasts are big-excuse for channel 4 to show big breasts!
DIY SOS-bullshit, decorating show!
The Atkins Diet-Is it Rubbish?
Euro Trash-the shitest shows from europe, all rolled into one!
Queer Eye for the staight guy-a bunch of gay men, tell a straight man waht to wear!
Hot Property-House Show
Property Dreams-another house show!
How not to decorate-another bloody house show!
Tasteful TV-half an hour of swearing and nudity!

Thats just the stuff on terrestial TV channels, between 8pm and midnight, not counting any of the soap operas, or daytime tv shite, Kilroy, Trisha etc.

Just think, Television was invented here, look waht it has come to, John Logie Baird must be turning in his grave!