The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14442   Message #124266
Posted By: annamill
15-Oct-99 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #15 & Oyster Bar
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #15 & Oyster Bar
I just gained 5 lbs. Mick!! Wow, that is going to be good. Now if I can have about 6 ersters (thats what we call them in Jersey)and a big glass of draft I will be in heaven. A gentle light draft, please. Hmmm... Did these come from N'orleens? Those are my favorites. Like butter, they are. Must be that silky Mississippi mud. Mick, do you have time to sing "the Roses" song for me or will it make us all cry. Never mind, might spoil the festivities. Sing something happy. BTW, Alison, I fell in love too. He's a great hugger. Don't worry though, I have my Honey.