The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72241   Message #1242716
Posted By: Wolfgang
08-Aug-04 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Exactly why the US dropped THE BOMB?
Subject: RE: BS: Exactly why the US dropped THE BOMB?
The history of the American wars shows mainly civilians are victims of the fights with the intention to intimidate the civilian population. In Vietnam, orders have been given to throw bombs on the civilian population as well as Napalm bombs in order to burn the woods and bombs with the intention to take the leaves off the trees with the consequence of spoiled harvests....In this war more than 2,000,000 Vietnamese died and 3,000,000 have been injured.... The use of Napalm and poisons had as a consequence devastating and even irreversible ecological damages. After the end of the second world war in Europe came the air attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the largest terrorist attacks ever, killing up to 300,000 people.... Even today, deformed children are born, still increasing the number of victims

That's my translation of what I have found on a German website. It fits deplorably well into the discussion here, in my eyes. I took it from a German Neonazi website.

What always amazes and worries me deeply is that there are two themes in which the Mudcat lefts are hardly distinguishable from the German Neonazis in their argumentation:

(1) The crimes of the USA and (2) Israel
