The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72317   Message #1243935
Posted By: mcgrathof altcar
10-Aug-04 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Louis Killen whaling story
Subject: Lyr Req: Louis Killen whaling story
Not really a lyric request. I'm after a story that Louis Killen used to tell. It was a whaling tale and it featured a kind of "chorus"..
something like, " thar she blows, and spouts, and sperm at that!!!" It told of the battle of wits between in Whaling ship captain and one member of his crew.

It ended with the words, "All I want from you is a little common respect."

Anyone who had the prescience to write this tale down I'd be grateful if I could read it again. Maybe its on a CD somewhere.

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks for your help and interest

M of A