The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72318   Message #1244108
Posted By: Rasener
10-Aug-04 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Lincolnshire Songwriting Competition (UK-2004)
Subject: RE: Songwriting Competition (UK)
Ooh err can I have a go :-)

Sitting in my Lincolnshire dining room
Food upon the table
I put some mustard on me spoon
And dropped it on our Mabel

Mabel Mabel
She was at the table
And now has a yellow belly

Now Mable tried to rub it off
But could not seem to do it
Her belly was now a yellow froth
Stick some roast beef on it

On it On it
Put some roast beef on it
So that we can chew it

The first one took a great big bite
She landed on the cooker
It wasn't because of the mustard's might
It was our Mabel's hooker

Hooker Hooker
She landed on the cooker
That punch must have shook her

Anybody want to add to it, or refine it :-)