The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72222   Message #1244448
Posted By: Blackcatter
10-Aug-04 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: Things you say from songs
Subject: RE: Things you say from songs
Not the exact version Utah recorded but:

In a younger life, Utah worked on a railroad. He was what was called a "gandy dancer," a man who used a lever to raise a rail so that people could work on rail-road ties and the road bed. Well, one of the unspoken jobs was that of cook. It was unspoken because it was not in the job descriptions of gandy dancers and some one had to cook or people would starve.

The result is that the person who complained the most got to cook the
meals. So Utah was made cook. He hated it.

One day, UP was crossing a meadow when he found a giant moose turd (fece). UP resolved that he was tired of being the cook.

So he rolled the turd back to the caboose (he was much more descriptive of this), where he made a beautiful pie shell, plopped the turd inside, and covered it with a beautiful crust.

Over dinner, the other workers ate their food. One of the meanest looking, most powerful guys was there. They were expecting a good dinner after a hard day of work. UP gave everyone slices of the pie without telling them. He was hoping to jog some to take the job from him. The big mean guy took his fork and placed a big slice into his mouth and started chewing. The big mean guy burst out and shouted:
"My God, that's moose turd pie! . . . It's good, though."