The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72144   Message #1244461
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
10-Aug-04 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: What You Believe to be a Republican
Subject: RE: BS: What You Believe to be a Republican
Here is the flipside.   What you believe if you are a democrat

1.   You support every drug dealer and user unless they are a conservative talk show host.   Then it is ok to illegally search his records and vilotate his privacy.
2.   The USA should give it sovernty to the United Nations and not have the right to defend itself
3.   Big business is greedy and corupt and has no right to exist.   Everyone should work for the government and be supported by the government.   In return they must promise to vote democratic. (not much different than what is happening already)
4.   Standing tall for america means criticizing america and giving comfort to our enemies.   All income must be redistributed.
5.   Partial birth abortions must be legalized and parential notification must be outlawed.
6.   Religion is anti american and must be removed from our lives.   Anyone practicing religion must be sued.   Muslim and Jewish symbols are OK but all nativity scenes and any mention of Christmas must be outlawed.
7.   The best way to improove morale of the troops is to vote down spending bills and than tell the trooops that you support them, even if the war they are fighting in is illegal and immoral.
8. Group sex and drugs raise your poll numbers so they are highly incouraged if you plan to run for office as a democrat- see Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Toricelli, Packwood etc
9.   Classrooms are great places for sex.   Ready for a pop quiz?
10. The best way to encourage allies is to claim they don't exist and that we went unilaterrally into Iraq.   That really shows support for allies such as Britian, Italy, Austrailia, and Poland.   Their soldiers didn't really die, because it was a unilateral action
11. Free Health care is an entitlement and won't cost any money because no one will get sick
12. Health care is only available to the rich. If a poor person goes to a hospital they are turned away if they don't have money.
13. The 80's never happend and Reagan had noting to do with the fall of communism are facts.   The Clinton scandals were a right wing conspiracy and made up
14.   Sadaam was not a nice guy but posed no threat to anybody because he was contained and would never think of developing WMD's
15.   Republicans lie.   Democrats tell the truth when they call for family values, lower taxes, and a stronger military.   It's just depends on what the meaning of is is.
16. Judges and politicains inSan Francisco and Massachusits have the right to disobey the law and pass whatever laws they want to because it is the right thing to do regardless of that silly contitution.
17. The public has the right to know about Rush's medical records, but no right to know about Kerry's divorce settlement, Theresa tax returns, or any claims made by the Swift boat soldiers.
18. Even though the Patriot Act has not resulted in a single claim of abuse in 2 years, it is bad for the contry. It is far better to have another attack and kill millions of americans that take away our liberties with the patriot act.
19. What kerry did in 4 months in Viet nam is relavant.   What he did in 20 years in the Senate is irrelavant and mean spirited and dirty politics to look up his record.
20. Giving information to Isreal is wrong.   Giving nuclear secrets to the Chinese in exhange for contributions is capitalism and the American way
21. John Kerry has every right to use the word because the republicans deserve it.   Move on has every right to show Bush as a nazi because he really is one.    I don't see anything wrong with that.    Only republicans use dirty tricks.    It is justified when a democrat does it.
22. Kerry announced that two senators had reached a deal today with France and Germany to send troops to Iraq after the election.   It would be morally wrong to send them now and save american lives because Kerry made the deal and not bush.
23.   If you are a demoncrat you believe that republicans never win an election. They are only stolen from you.    You count on the American public being too stupid to learn the truth.   You count on the media being useful idiots.   You count on blind loyalty from African Americans though you do nothing to improve their lives.   And count the 87 days until Bush is reelected.

It is so condescending to read the subject and so easy to post the opposite viewpoint.   It does not warrant serious discussion or any exchange of ideas.   That is why democrats will continue to lose elections.   Partisan rhetoric goes both ways and just indicates the closed minds of the people reciting it.