The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57162   Message #1244567
Posted By: Red and White Rabbit
11-Aug-04 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Subject: RE: WEIGHT discrimination in music world...
Most people in the folk world have never known the slim me unless they saw the photos of me at my 49 3/4 birthday of me weighing 9 stone at nine months pregnant 12 years ago!
Gargoyle in many ways you are right about us wanting to be fat - some of us hide behind it - but sweeping statements dont cover all the problems people have with their battles with weight and diets and eating problems.
I am really grateful to the folk world for accepting me as a singer even though I am now clinically obese The support of my folk friends has given me the strength to battle the eating disorder I have had most of my life.
An ex fatty is almost as bad as an ex smoker - dont forget that all the excuses you once made and all the avoidance you did - all the dictates in the world wont change people unless they want to be changed and even if they do it is still a long hard battle that needs support not criticism