The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72270   Message #1244580
Posted By: GUEST,hsa
11-Aug-04 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: Any sessions in Aylesbury, Bucks, UK
Subject: RE: Any sessions in Aylesbury, Bucks, UK
I don't think there are any sessions in Aylesbury at the moment, Mick used to have a couple but I think they folded some time ago. Mick himself is Ok at the moment (well I spoke to him last week) but they have decided they can't operate on the liver as they can't get it all out. So it's back to the chemo. Not terribly good news but he says he's feeling Ok currently.

There is an English (morris ish) session on the first Sunday of each month at the Red Lion in Coleshill, between Amersham and Beaconsfield, people come from up Aylesbury way. Nice pub, friendly landlord, good beer. What used to be Wycombe Folk Club now meets in O'Reilly's in Marlow Bottom on a Wednesday night but that's a bit of a trek from Aylesbury. I'm thinking of starting up an Irish session but that is probably going to be in the Red Lion too.

What do you play?
