The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72375   Message #1245688
Posted By: Vixen
12-Aug-04 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Harmonies By The Number
Subject: RE: Harmonies By The Number
Jerry, you *do* come up with interesting threads!

Reynaud, aka my husband, Tim, plays in a bluegrass band, and he's fairly frustrated with the "ya gotta play it like Ralph/Bill/Flatt 'n' Scruggs played it" attitude. Bluegrass just doesn't have to be that way. We listen to lots of musicians who do what those guys *really* did, which is take old traditional tunes and put a new spin on them.

According to another mudcat, who I shall not name, there are two kinds of bluegrass musicians: Bluegrassholes and Bluegrassaholics. One kind insists that if it's not Bill/Ralph/Flatt 'n' Scruggs, it's not bluegrass. The other kind are more open-minded.

Just my $0.02.