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Thread #72400   Message #1246088
Posted By: GUEST,Josh
12-Aug-04 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Is this a contradiction or requires more in depth analysis for the slightly more intelligent?

I am a one of many people who, unlike before, now vote BNP. It is of my opinion we have become a soft nation so dedicated to political correctness and keeping everyone happy that we have lost our way.

I am not racist. Many of my friends are Asian. All understand my vote. The fact is, if the BNP didn't have a thug element, and you listened to their leader's views, you would appreciate many of the points they make.

I am middle class. I work hard for my money, and pay all my taxes. But now the government believes it would be a good idea to slam a couple of hundred brand new houses in my district for Asylum Seekers, which is very close to the Peak District. Bear in mind this is a rich district compared to it's poor neighbouring town, Oldham.

I am not happy. The police have no powers to stop illegal immigrants. Instead, the government awards them with rent free housing, money, and even CARS to 'get to work.' One gentleman who could not even speak English crashed into my car. He lied about him having insurance, he did not have any. He lied when he said he had a license. He did not. This was what his friend was telling me, when he called him in. So now I, me, it was NOT my fault, now have to pay higher premiums because I have to make a no fault claim. And he gets away with a fine, no jail sentence. And he probably won't pay it.

So explain to me, am I wrong to vote BNP from my personal position?? I am very forgiving. I am a student and am faced with paying £3000 a year top up fees introduced by our government. I understand one shouldn't vote for someone else purely because of personal reasons. But I took the increase in loans in my stride. But now I am tired of it all.

I am sick of our country (the UK) being walked over. I do not want to live here anymore. I have been let down. My family have been let down. And honest citizens of this country have been let down. We are not the ones segregating ourselves. Muslims are always the first to mention religion. They build Mosques on our lands, and hide their faces. This is not our country's culture. THEY should adapt to ours if they want the priveledge of living in the UK. I would do exactly that if I was in their country. And now they're building a Bank of Islam in the UK...

And votes for the BNP continue to rise... what a surprise!

Kind Regards,
