The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1246166
Posted By: ddw
12-Aug-04 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Actually, Ellenpoly, that's not a very good definition of racism. Racism is holding negative views of a race of people without foundation in fact and based solely on the person's race.

What Josh is expressing is bias, not racism, and from what I saw during a recent visit to England there is pretty good reason for that bias.

Do you think the Irish have a right to want the English out? I'll bet you think Iraqis have a right to not want the U.S. in their land. So how can you — and all your ilk, if I'm guessing right about he basis for you name-calling — support the "national struggles" of the Irish against the English and Iraqis against Americans, and then condemn the English for getting upset what an alien culture imposes itself on them — and demands that they pay for it?

Seems to me you're a hypocrite, which is a lot lower on the food chain than someone who holds a justified bias against an interloper group set on changing HIS tradtions and asking him to pay for it.

Wesley — yeah, it may always be about the money.... Your point being....? If I'm going to give away my hard-earned money, I at least want to choose who I give it to. Don't you?

John from Hull — congratulations, you must have spent a lot of time looking up how to spell everything word in your post. Do you have any idea what the issue is?

And BTW, is that a personal invitation, or is your mother entertaining?

