The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1246228
Posted By: ddw
12-Aug-04 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP

Some good points there, if the BNP is indeed a front for neo-Nazis. I won't dispute that, but I have some difficulty with the dismissal of the reasons people are finding the ideas attractive.

I find your argument a bit thin on the desperation thing. Economic refugees shouldn't arrive expecting anything except a chance to earn their way in the society they want to join. I don't think anybody would have any problem with that — that's a time-honoured thing. It's the people who arrive claiming desperation, then ask that the hosts cater to their needs who piss me off.

I'm an American citizen who lives in Canada — I've been here since 1970 and never took Canadian citizenship because I hate nationalism almost as much as I hate religion and I saw no reason to throw off one to take on another. But I get pissed off at some people I know — Iraqis, by chance, tho' there are other groups who do the same thing — who live here in subsidized housing. Every member of the family works hard and they send their children to all kinds of schools and special lessons. That's wonderful, but they also send — by their own admission — almost half their total income back to Iraq to support relatives. So why the hell are they in subsidized housing, using my tax money?

I know other families who claimed refugee statu on the basis that they would be persecuted or killed if they return to their homes to live — but they fly back to visit family every year or two. Do you think the "danger" is a bit exaggerated?

Now, as far as troubles being so bad you have to leave your country.... It happens, but not nearly as often as "refugees" claim. More often than not, the ones fleeing "political" persecution are really fleeing poverty. I've got no problem with that. Give them A CHANCE, even give them a hand to get started, but let's show a little compassion for the people who have to pay for it, too. If it's determined that the "refugee claimants" are really fleeing economic conditions, not political unrest or civil war, then help them to stay where they are and build their own countries.

But, of course, that's been tried. And it usually results in the "helpers" — read "mostly Brits and Americans" being accused of trying to impose their cultures on the oppressed.

