The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14442   Message #124637
Posted By: Big Mick
16-Oct-99 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern #15 & Oyster Bar
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern #15 & Oyster Bar
The door flies open and the biggest Mick in the village comes in, huffing and puffing as he hauls in two buckets of oysters................Hey Leej, would you mind going out to the truck and getting those other two buckets of oysters..........Thanks Lad, I am gettin' too old for this shit.............What?.........I am wearing the hardhat because I saw what happened to 'Spaw last night every time he started to open his mouth. And I have a flack jacket under the jumper so MamaKat canna get me in the gut. She hit that boy everywhere he has skin............Ever since Little Neo showed up, she has gotten very protective...........someone go out under that palm tree and wake up Susan A-R and tell her that the mongrel horde.......wait, make that the mongrel, heron, duck and possum horde, will be in for some eats in a bit.........What, FAIR ONE?......Yes, I know, I canna believe that I laid that line out there and no one picked up on it either. But the ole sliders do make one pretty amorous and probably folks just wanted to get outta here and "work" them off................What? How do you work off oysters?????? Come on up to my joint and I will show you right after you look at my etchings..........Allright, youse bunch of layabouts, let's get this food ready for the next round..........