The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1246648
Posted By: Cllr
13-Aug-04 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
The problem now is the BNP are seeking votes by pretending to be respectable and implying that it is OK to vote BNP as a protest vote. If the main three political parties are thought to be failing then people do try to find an alternatives. While I might accept, and I mean Might accept, that some people vote BNP out of either ignorance or frustration with the alternatives, the arguments put forward by the originator of this thread are extremly typical of the propaganda BNP put forward I simply don't believe that it is an "ordinary joe" msaiking a justifacation. Because of my work on special cases for the Crown prosecution service Im very familiar with the style and themes that these people put forward.

an example
A typical trick is to find a local pub or community buliding and say that its going to be knocked down and a mosque has been planned instead. when a lout tried this particular lie on me I told him it was a fabrication and he beligerently asked me how I could deny it as he had it on good authority. I told him the truth that I was on the planning commitee and I bloody well knew it was a lie.
This thread was started to try and gain support for BNP. That is the bottom line. Finally If it looks like a duck walks like a duck and goes quack ITS A DUCK