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Thread #72416   Message #1247277
Posted By: GUEST
13-Aug-04 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From today's story in the Washington Post:

"McGreevey said the circumstances around his affair with a man and its effects on his family threatened to undermine his "ability to govern."

Now, if having an extramarital affair and being gay is such a bloody constitutional crisis that he has to resign to rectify it, why would he wait three fucking months to leave the job, when he says the gay affair is going to undermine his ability to govern?

Now call me a liar if you will Ron, but that sounds pretty damn fishy to me.

From the same article:

"McGreevey spokeswoman Juliet Johnson said..."He made the decision to allow for an orderly transition. It's absurd to think you can hand over the reins in just days."

Uh hello, politicians who are forced to resign do it in days all the time, including the friggin' president of the US, Tricky Dick. I mean c'mon, we are supposed to believe an orderly transition can't happen for three, count 'em folks, THREE MONTHS???

Gimme a break.

Despite the fact that it is just plain odd and bizarre, not to mention a violation of the trust of office to appoint a foreign poet an "advisor" to New Jersey's homeland security department. I mean this is in the wake of god damn 9/11, and the governor is handing over the office to his gay boyfriend? What the hell is up with that? Again, from today's Post article:

"Cipel was named to the newly created homeland security post without any background check or official announcement."

Now doesn't THAT inspire confidence in this great governor?

Oh, and of course, it is a Democrat that will stand in for him for the rest of his term, because he timed the resignation to take place AFTER the November election, and by New Jersey law, that means the 2nd in command in the state, the Democrat Senate president, takes over. If this weasel dick leaves office before the election, his successor must be chosen by special election.

Again, according to the Post article:

"If McGreevey were to leave office before Sept. 3, a special election would be held."

Oh yeah, and I suppose the Post is "lieing" like I am, when they said this today too:

"Scandal marred McGreevey's tenure following questions over a series of questionable appointments, including Cipel's.

McGreevey also came under fire in 2002 for hiring a state police superintendent who had a criminal record. Last year, two former aides were targeted in a federal probe investigating whether they used their political ties to secure business for their billboard company.

This year, a Democratic fund-raiser and former high school classmate of McGreevey's was charged with trying to extort campaign donations from a farmer in exchange for help in selling his land.

Last month, the governor's commerce secretary quit amid reports he funneled money to businesses he owned with family members, and McGreevey's top campaign donor was charged with conspiracy, obstructing a federal investigation and promoting prostitution."

But hey--it must be this gay thing it's all about, right?

PUHLEEZ!!! Do you think I just fell off the dead voter registration list yesterday?