The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1247290
Posted By: Bobert
13-Aug-04 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Actually, I'm sure that many of my fellow Catters might be horrified but I agree with part of what Martin said. Yes, if the guy is so "distracted with his sexuality" to lead then maybe he shouldn't lead.

Hey, I think this would apply to gays or straights. Note that Martin didn't say that he couldn't lead in askin' "Did this effect him in his governor job?" and then following with, "Maybe not."

I am disturbed, however, that with the real problems that the US is facing (screwed up wars, run away health insurance costs, the working class gettin' screwed, etc) that the neo-cons have been so able to distract the focus of the average American away from those problems and onto meaningless genital and preferance issue.

BTW, once one gets beyond the genital thing, which accounts for very little time in the big scheme of things isn't homosexuality about preferance. I mean, like who do folks want to spend their tim4e with? Look around you and see how many men are spending inordinaant amounts of time with other men. I'm not talking just work but after work. I mean look at the Bubba's and the Billy Bobs in the South swho come home, grab a little supper, kiss the wife and go go off and play "cars" with, ahhhhhh, other men! Think this doesn't occur then you ain't lived in the South. "Cars" maybe the common denominator but the preferance? The company of other men. Now I know this theory won't get any pulpit time in Jerry Fallwell's church but, hey, lets be real honest here... Lotta closet good ol' boys who would be the first to tie an openly gay kid behind a pickup truck and pull the kid down dirt roads until the kid was dead. Like what are they so afraid of anyway? A 135 pound kid 'er something else like the 230 tatooed, beer bellied body they are living in?

