The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1247291
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
13-Aug-04 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Guest, don't get your panties in a twist.

IF you read the stories that you posted, you would realize that McGreevey is NOT the direct subject of an investigation - and I've said that all along. Hence, my original statement that you LIED when you said McGreevey was the subject of a FEDERAL investigation. McGreevey is not implicated in either indictment.   As I've said from my first post, McGreevey is guilty of hanging around with the wrong people.    The cases you've posted are NOT the reason McGreevey resigned.   

Would these investigations into McGreevey's friends have hurt his re-election campaign. I am sure it would have. I doubt I would have voted for him because of this.   However, it is far different from your OPINION that this was the reason he resigned.   McGreevey could easily have carried out the remainder of his term with these investigations going on.   

Now, as you said, we do not know EXACTLY what is contained in the lawsuit that was threatned from his male companion.

There is nothign "sleezy" about waiting until Nov. 15 to resign. That is pure politics. Of course he did that on purpose. It doesn't take much of a brain to figure that out. If you think this was plotting between him and the Democratic party, you give both too much credit. It was simple politics, and I think it was a brilliant move. Not sleazy, just smart.

The only one using the "gay card" is people like you. He resigned, as he said, before the "scandal" would undermine his ability to govern. It is going to get dirty, especially once the Republicans start helping out.

Please pay attention to what I've said. I hate it when people, especially anonymous guests, turn words around. I do not like McGreevey. I do think his actions in office (in terms of his associates, fundraising, political hires, and policies) were awful. He was wrong and did not bring honor to the office. I am not sorry to see him leave.   However, I do not use his resignation to start playing the "gay card". Most citizens of New Jersey apparently felt the same. His lifestyle had nothing to do with his ability to govern.   His lack of ability to govern did him in.

And thank your for pointing out my mispelling of "lieing". I am the victim of New Jersey public schools. Never learned to proofread.