The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1247311
Posted By: GUEST
13-Aug-04 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
No Ron, the stories haven't said he ISN'T under investigation, they have said the FBI won't comment on whether he is or isn't under investigation. Big difference.

We agree that none of the news stories have said is HE has been INDICTED. However...

Ron's tooth fairy whispered this in Ron's ear as he typed:

"McGreevey is not implicated in either indictment."

Except by the fact that he is the one who appointed said indictees, and it was his campaign for the guv's office that was funded by said indictees.

It is true that in the waning days of King Richard Daley's reign, all his top apppointees around were indicted and prosecuted. They were, however, never able to touch Daley himself. Not even the most steadfast dead Democrats who had voted for him for decades thought he was innocent, though. Same is true here. McGreavey may be able to dodge the bullet by playing the gay card, but that doesn't mean anybody really thinks this about him being gay. This is all about him being a little too close to the indictees, and a very close election year on the national level, so he needs the cover of an "already resigned, but still doing business as usual" sign hanging on his office door.

Then Ron gives me a great big ole belly laugh with this one:

"There is nothign "sleezy" about waiting until Nov. 15 to resign."

Nothing sleezy about waiting THREE DAMN MONTHS TO RESIGN????

Sure Ron. If that resignation date wasn't effective 11 days after an election that could lose the guv's office to the Republican set of crooks (as opposed to the Democrat crooks currently in charge in Jersey), Martians might even buy that.

But in the meantime Ron, this smacks of political sleeze even on Mars.

"McGreevey is guilty of hanging around with the wrong people."

At the very least.

"The cases you've posted are NOT the reason McGreevey resigned."

Sure Ron. It's all about his marriage vows.