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Thread #72416   Message #1247337
Posted By: GUEST
13-Aug-04 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
You are such a pathetic partisan, Ron. Really pathetic. This doesn't have a damn thing to do with party politics. It has to do with the culture of political graft and corruption IN BOTH PARTIES IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY.

Less than a week before McGreevey resigned, this Aug 8th Boston Globe article reported:

"McGreevey, 46, was mentioned 83 times in the federal indictment of David D'Amiano, the trash-hauling fund-raiser. But the prosecutor has not named McGreevey as a coconspirator, and the governor's aides say McGreevey's involvement was innocent. McGreevey was not implicated in the indictment of fund-raiser Charles Kushner, either."

And then there is this from a July 31st article in the Washington Post:

"By Michael Powell
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 31, 2004; Page A03

TRENTON, N.J. -- Even by the ethically elastic standards of politics here, the boyish-looking governor of New Jersey has suffered one long headache this month...

"The governor hired some freaking hacks and said some stupid things, and that will hurt him," said David Rebovich, managing director of the Rider Institute for New Jersey Politics. "But there's no smoking gun. Without that, McGreevey will survive."

Anywhere else, Rebovich might sound like a stone optimist. But this is New Jersey: "I don't want to say we're corrupt, but we lead the nation in the number of former mayors in federal prisons."

It has been a bad decade or three for public officials in the Garden State. A former Hudson County executive disappeared for months in 2001 before reemerging to plead guilty and help implicate other corrupt officials. A recent acting governor resigned in an ethics flap. In the past two years, the U.S. attorney has obtained the convictions of 58 public officials. The U.S. attorney's spokesman told the Bergen Record: "You shake the trees, they just seem to drop more apples."

You may not have have noticed that neither the Jersey prosecutor in these cases(whom you immediately painted as a Ken Starr Republican with a partisan ax to grind because he was appointed by Bush, in order to make your sleezy state Democratic party look less like the corrupt crooks that they are) or the FBI have said he ISN'T under investigation. They have said "no comment".

In fact, the only people inside or outside Jersey saying that McGreevey hasn't been implicated in these investigations, though not yet indicted in conjunction with them, are his staff.

Or, as the Washington Post put it in the same article:

"McGreevey and his aides have portrayed the investigations as a vendetta by Christopher J. Christie, the federal prosecutor, who was appointed by President Bush"

Give us a break Ron. We weren't born yesterday. This time, the sex scandal works to the Democrats advantage because it is keeping Democrats in charge of the guv's mansion AND the state senate. That is ONE FREAKIN GUY as guv AND leader of the Jersey Legislature.

Which is why McGreevey and the party hacks are claiming this doesn't have anything to do with all those investigations and indictments of 500,000 or so of his appointees in the last month. Oh no. Doesn't have anything to do with that vast right wing Republican conspiracy.

This week, it is all about the guv breaking his marriage vows and being a fucking saint for coming out of the closet.