The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1247470
Posted By: GUEST,Dave Simpson
14-Aug-04 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Josh, just think of the consequences of your actions. If the BNP were to be voted in as the government of the UK, how long would it be before they called for complete repatriation of all 'immigrants' and not just a halt on asylum seekers? How long before discrimination against gays was completely acceptable? Would Jews be able to go about their lawfull business without fear?

The BNP are doing a very good job of masking their thuggish image by having 'ordinary' men and women stand as candidates in elections - they even had an Asian supporter on one of their recent election broadcasts (very clever!), but the rank and file BNP supporter is still a thug no matter how much the BNP publicity machine tries to sanitise them. The BNP are using people like you who think (erroneously) that they are not racists, just put upon patriots who want the best for their country and their fellow citizens. You are just playing into their hands by believing that they wouldn't go further than just stopping asylum seekers. Their ultimate goal is for an all white Britain.

You say you come from Oldham and you have had bad experiences with local Asian youths and asylum seekers. I live in a predominantly white area, and we're having a lot of problems with the local yobbish youths, none of which are Asian or black, just good old Anglo Saxons, who get away with terrorising the locals, being cruel to animals, taking drugs, binge drinking and doing the odd bit of vandalism and arson for good measure. The police seem powerless to stop them. Just where are they going to be sent back to? Saxony? Scandinavia?

Some people are just blinkered by the colour of someones skin, and like to overlook the fact that their is good and bad in all races and creeds, and are willing to scapegoat the ones who stick out most because of their colour. It's sad that in this day and age this still happens, and unfortunately Josh, you are carrying on this nasty tradition.

You may have convinced yourself that you're not racist, but you're voting for a racist party who are using ordinary, decent, frightend people for their own ends. Just like the Nazis did. Don't be fooled.