The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72381   Message #1247636
Posted By: JennyO
14-Aug-04 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Religion
Anyone practicing a different religion than their parents?

About as different as it could be in my case. I came from a long line of ministers, church organists, sunday school teachers, missionaries, etc, on both sides. My mother's side were fire and brimstone Baptists, and my father's side were rigid Methodists. Together they practically ran the local church. I had to live and breathe it as a child. I was even conned into being a sunday school teacher for a brief period when I was about 17, although it felt wrong, so I quit very quickly.

I dropped out of the church entirely, and was ostracised by my family, ultimately being cut out of my mother's will when she died. I was totally turned off religion in any form for a long time, being quite comfortable feeling that nature was as near as you could get to god, but not sure how to classify myself - and not really caring either.

Now through a number of significant experiences and twists and turns in my path to self discovery, I have come to my own brand of spirituality, which feels right, and much more real than anything I ever encountered in the church I grew up in. I now feel that I have come "home", and feel very comfortable calling myself a pagan.
